Sunday, March 27, 2016

New Dining Room Artwork Love

We have divine new artwork for the dining room. This is my Easter project. I decided not to go away this Easter as the partner is in Papua New Guinea on a diving trip and my parents are arriving next week for a family christening. So everyone will be in town next week and we can do our family celebration then. These holidays, I had house projects to do.

Totally unplanned, but the artwork I've had my eye on for the dining room space went on sale. I totally fell in love with these when I first saw them in Real Living magazine. I love the bold colours, the abstract shapes, the black frames. I've been waiting forever for them to go on sale. Of course they were incredibly popular so I had to ring around and beg them to put them on hold until I could get to the other side of town to pick them up.

I spent the morning of Easter Sunday, in between stuffing myself with Easter eggs, installing these beauties juuuuust so. I just looove them. They bring a whole new level of brightness and life to the room. Oh and I gave the poor dining table a decent coat of wax and polish. It was very neglected and very dry. It brought out the gorgeous deep grain of the walnut though and made really made the new artwork pop! The dining room looks great now, though it's not quite finished, there's still a space in the corner for a plant or even a sideboard. But for now I'm just going to enjoy this.

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